If you have experienced an assault - remember, it is not your fault.
Report an Incident
To report an incident to the College electronically, see this page for an online form or contact Barnard’s Title IX Office at
To report information regarding Columbia University students (non-Barnard students), you may also visit the reporting page on Columbia's website.
You may also consider consulting an Advocate. On campus, you can reach the Rape Crisis/Anti-Violence Support Center Survivor Advocates or Peer Advocates by calling 212-854-HELP (4357). Off campus and nearby, St. Luke's Crime Victims Treatment Center (CVTC) Advocates and services can be reached by calling (212) 523-4728. To contact the NYPD Special Victims Division call (646) 610-7272.
Find out more on our Resources page.
Report an Incident to Law Enforcement
Much of the information on these web pages refers to definitions listed in College and University policy definitions and enforced by the College and/or University. Behavior such as sexual assault, harassment, stalking, dating violence or domestic violence, are also crimes. The College can assist in reporting to law enforcement, including providing guidance in determining the appropriate jurisdiction for such reporting.
New York City Policy Department and Manhattan District Attorney's Office. Information and resources for criminal response and/or civil restraining orders can be found online at: